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Smith County, Texas News

Romanian Man Sentenced to Life in Smith County Credit Card Skimming Scheme

Fabrizio Slatineanu

Fabrizio Slatineanu, 25, of Romania, was sentenced to life in prison for his involvement in a credit card skimming scheme that defrauded Smith County residents of more than $280,000 over a single weekend.

At the sentencing hearing, multiple victims testified about the devastating impact of the theft, detailing how they lost thousands of dollars in savings, leaving them unable to pay rent or afford basic necessities. Judge Austin Reeve Jackson noted the severe consequences for the victims, emphasizing that such actions were inexcusable.

Captain Jeff Roberts of the Texas Financial Crimes Intelligence Center highlighted the growing role of Romanian organized crime in credit card skimming, stating that these types of crimes are often orchestrated by criminal groups from Romania.

Slatineanu's sentence follows a conviction that brought attention to the rising threat of international financial crime operations targeting local communities.

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